About Skateboarding in Winter Haven
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More About Skateparks in Winter Haven
In Winter Haven there is the need for a skatepark. It can't be denied, we have no place to practice our sport unlike the basketball, baseball, and soccer players who have acres of playing fields in Winter Haven!!! So I think as skaters, bladers and bikers if we focus on the city council members and geting to those city meetings we can make them here are demands...It will take awhile but I think we are here for the long haul...

About Me
I'm 21 and live in Winter Haven, Florida. My interest in skateboarding began when I was 12 and my brother brought his first skateboard home. I was very impressed- so impressed he used to beat me up to make me go skateboarding with him. But after I landed my first trick I was hooked and wouldn't have traded it for the world. As I grew older it became harder to skate because the crack down on skaters in Winter Haven. I was saved when Eagle Lake built their skate park, so after a few years of skating their park I realized that I should start a crusade to build a publicly funded park in Winter Haven...

Skate Safety
Right now Skateboarding is one of the fastest growing sports With more than some 10,000,000 skateboarders alone in the United States, it ranks as the 6th largest participant sport in the U.S. and 3rd largest for participants between 6 and 18.Eventhough skateboarding has been regared as a HAZARDOUS RECREATIONAL ACTIVITY, skateboarding is a very safe sport in comparison to many common sports. Furthermore, since the Evolution of skateparks aross America and the the world over, skateboarding is becoming safer and safer each year.

Safety by Sport


Source: National Injury Surveillance System; based on emergency room visit reports for 1996.

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